Science Fiction and Ethics |
Expansion of Utopian Struggle in the Motif of Entering a Room/Space(s) for Continuity
“Extreme Risk” and “Invasive Procedures” as Symbols of Capitalist Internalization
From Morality-Tale Science Fiction to Fantasy-Infused Settler Colonialism
Gaius Baltar Escaping Freedom on Tau Cygna V
The Ethics of Waiting: Babylon 5’s “Mind War” and Star Trek: Voyager’s “The Gift”
Righteous Nation Ideology in Science Fiction and Climate Justice Today
Societal Progress, Anti-Capitalism, and the Vision for a Culture of Emancipatory Human Rights
Trauma and Post-Modern Subtext in Star Trek
Solarpunk and the Vestiges of the Ascetic
The United Traits of Bajoran and Cardassian Resistance
Attraction to Light: Light as Communication and Imagined Evolution
On Time Travel, the Subconscious Signature, and Market Capitalism
Cylon Number Six as Savior of the Twelve Colonies
Space Strategist and Ethicist: First Contact Strategy and Ethics | FirstContact.Earth
What You Need to Know About Space Ethics
- First Contact and the Theory of Monetized Empathy
- Possible Model for Alternative Futurism: Responsibility to Leave (R2L)
- Imagine an Alien Species that Speaks in Music
- First Contact with a Species More Prideful Than Our Own
- Who Watches the Watchers Watching; without Watching?
- Militaristic First Contact with a Telepathic Species While We Are Still Under a Cheroot Democracy
- Masculinarity as a Possible Universal Trait
- Why Meeting Another Species Just Like Us Would Be a Disaster
- The Possibility of a Ferengi Future
- First Contact: Will They or Won’t They Commingle Science and Ontology?
- Xenophobia, Communication, and Our Dissuading First Contact
Science Fiction and Charles W. Mills’s Critique of “Ideal Theory” (Parts I-III)
Lieutenant Alara Kitan and Ideal Leadership